
Hunyvers braves the weather on Euronext Growth 

The leisure vehicle specialist hopes to increase its capital by 15.9 million euros by going public with an initial public offering...

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(Credit: Hunyvers)

Successful IPO of Haffner Energy

The operation includes a capital increase of 66.7 million euros (including the share premium) and the partial exercise of the shareholder's right of first refusal...

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(Credit: Haffner)

"London retains a virtual monopoly on interest rate swap clearing"

The transitional equivalence period for UK clearing houses in the EU is extended from June 2022 to June...

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Laetitia Teuber, Managing Director, Head of Prime Brokerage & Clearing Sales, Continental Europe and Vincent Fonteilles, Director, Head of Prime Brokerage & Clearing Sales, France & Belux, at Société Générale.

Clearing: France asks for a "clear signal"

Secretary of State Clement Beaune is pushing for a firm deadline for the equivalence granted to UK clearing houses...

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Esma (European Securities and Markets Authority) had granted recognition to three British clearing houses LCH Ltd, ICE Clear Ltd and LME Clear Ltd.

Haffner Energy launches IPO year

Half of the gross amount of the €73 million transaction has already been committed by industrial players...

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(Credit: Haffner)