Regulation on artificial intelligence: ACPR calls on financial players to cooperate

Professionals gathered this Wednesday at a conference organized by Paris Europlace, the consulting firm SIA Partners and ...
/ Innovation, Regulation, Featured

"We want to develop partnerships in France" 

Finascope was in London this week to attend the Appian Europe 2024 event, on "The Future of Intelligent Automation". In this ...
/ Innovation, Strategy

Obtaining PSAN certification: "a real baptism of fire"

[Finascope interview]. Claire Balva, Deblock's vice-president of strategy, explains the demanding path that led ...
/ Innovation, Regulation

Artificial intelligence regulation: "The ability to explain will be decisive".

Cathie-Rosalie Joly is a partner in Bird & Bird's Banking & Finance and Tech & Comms departments, in charge of ...
/ Innovation, Regulation

Tokenization: the Paris financial center takes part in ECB experiments

Under the aegis of Paris Europlace, French players have joined forces for a €100 million digital issue ...
/ Innovation, Operation

"Europe has every interest in promoting euro stablecoins"

Thomas Boidot-Dorémieux is Director of the Innovation Lab at Lamarck Group, a consulting firm specializing in finance, insurance and asset ...
/ Innovation, Trend

Régime Pilote, crypto regulations: the AMF draws up a very mixed initial assessment

Marie-Anne Barbat-Layani, President of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), spoke at the ACPR-AMF Fintech Forum on Monday. She ...
/ Innovation, Regulation

Eurosystem work on MNBC settlement: first batch of experiments successfully completed by Banque de France

As part of the Eurosystem's ongoing exploratory work on settlement in central bank money, using a ...
/ Press release, Innovation, Regulation

"We are launching a public offering of securities backed by carbon emission allowances"

Homaio, a French fintech founded a year ago, is giving retail investors access to the European market for emission allowances, ...
/ Innovation, Operation

"We can handle every stage in the life of a security"

The ECB and Eurosystem are currently conducting dozens of experiments in tokenization of financial assets (equities, bonds, investment funds, etc.) ...
/ Innovation, Operation, Strategy