FWU Luxembourg: recovery plan fails

Luxembourg's Commissariat aux Assurances has filed a petition for dissolution and compulsory liquidation against ...
/ Operation, Regulation, Featured

Euroclear, the missing link for Euronext

Euronext CEO Stéphane Boujnah is looking for external growth drivers, and is considering the international ...
/ Operation, Strategy

BPCE and Generali aim to create a European asset management giant

The French and Italian groups have signed a memorandum of understanding to combine their subsidiaries Natixis Investment Managers and Generali Investments ...
/ Operation, Strategy

Private equity: the secondary fund market confirms its dynamism

Ardian announces that it has raised a record $30 billion for its ninth secondary fund. 22 % of capital ...
/ Operation, Trend

Afer seeks new impetus with the launch of a second life insurance contract 

Outperformed in terms of yield by new-generation contracts, the savings association wants to enable Afer Génération subscribers to ...
/ Operation, Trend

CDC and Banque de France launch a fund dedicated to biodiversity

Caisse des Dépôts Group and Banque de France announce the launch of a fund dedicated to the development of a new ...
/ Press release, Operation

BNP Paribas and Société Générale at the forefront of tokenized assets

The two French banks aim to establish themselves as pioneers in financial innovation and digital assets. Their ambitions are clear, ...
/ Innovation, Operation

France Valley to launch farmland fund

Pending approval by the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers), the product will be announced shortly. The management company intends to ...
/ Operation

Euroclear steps up distribution of investment funds

Acquired in 2021, FundsPlace adds Oddo BHF to its roster. This announcement by Allfunds' competitor ...
/ Operation, Strategy

Eres Gestion launches an evergreen FCPR

Eres Multi Private Assets is a fund of funds designed to finance the growth of European SMEs and ETIs. The ...
/ Operation, Trend