Stéphanie Faibis, Director of Equity & Convertible Management at Groupama AM

Groupama Asset Management (€101.2 billion in assets under management at June 30, 2024) announces the appointment of Stéphanie Faibis, 53, as Head of Equity & Convertible Management, reporting to Xavier Hoche, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Asset Management. She joins from Axa Investment Managers, where she held the position of Senior ...
/ Appointment, Featured

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Jean-Charles Prioux, new General Manager of ESBanque

Jean-Charles Prioux, 57, was appointed Managing Director of L'École supérieure de la banque (ESBanque) by the Board of Directors on July 23. He will succeed Éric Depond, who has headed the establishment since 2020, at the beginning of October. Jean-Charles Prioux has developed his ...
/ Appointment

Centiva Capital discreetly in Paris

Founded in 2016 by Edward McBride and Karim Abbadi, the New York-based multi-strategy hedge fund manages around $16 billion. It is applying for a management company license from the AMF. Article previously published on September 13, 2023. To live happily, ...
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AMF and Banque de France call for organized transition to J+1 settlement cycle

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Centiva Capital discreetly in Paris

Founded in 2016 by Edward McBride and Karim Abbadi, the New York-based multi-strategy hedge fund manages around $16 billion ...
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Green Industry Act: Schroders at the starting line with an Eltif 2.0 evergreen fund

[Info Finascope ] This fund invested in infrastructure debt is currently being approved by the AMF for launch in the fourth quarter of ...
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"We can handle every stage in the life of a security"

The ECB and Eurosystem are currently conducting dozens of experiments in tokenization of financial assets (equities, bonds, investment funds, etc.) ...
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"Put French funds on the same level as Luxembourg funds"

An ordinance "modernizing the regime governing alternative investment funds (AIFs)" was published in the Journal Officiel last week ...
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Real estate transformation: when theory collides with reality

While the crisis persists, the promising conversion of office space into housing is limited by a number of obstacles. The professionals ...
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Expansion of eligible assets held by SCPIs

The scope of eligible assets that can be held by SCPIs has just been considerably extended. Since an order ...
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Private equity faces the challenge of end-of-life funds

Confronted with the difficulties of selling their holdings and the scarcity of IPOs, some asset management companies are ...
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"Put French funds on the same level as Luxembourg funds"

An ordinance "modernizing the regime governing alternative investment funds (AIFs)" was published in the Journal Officiel last week ...
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Frank Martin Laprade

When the Conseil d'Etat becomes an "expert" in stock market law...

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Pre-close calls: Esma identifies best practices for preventing the transmission of insider information

The European Securities and Markets Authority ("Esma") has just published a press release dated May 29, 2024 on best practices for ...
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Santareim Partners lets real estate storm pass by, bets on hotels

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Green Industry Act: Schroders at the starting line with an Eltif 2.0 evergreen fund

[Info Finascope ] This fund invested in infrastructure debt is currently being approved by the AMF for launch in the fourth quarter of ...
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"We can handle every stage in the life of a security"

The ECB and Eurosystem are currently conducting dozens of experiments in tokenization of financial assets (equities, bonds, investment funds, etc.) ...
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Green Industry Act: Sienna IM responds to liquidity needs with a hybrid FCPR

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Forces Françaises de l'Industrie and Crystal launch an investment fund for unlisted SMEs

The entrepreneurs' club and the asset management group are joining forces to "lead French SMEs along the path to ...
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"We can handle every stage in the life of a security"

The ECB and Eurosystem are currently conducting dozens of experiments in tokenization of financial assets (equities, bonds, investment funds, etc.) ...
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Tokenization: several French banks to take part in ECB experiments

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Artificial intelligence and wealth management: what do regulators have to say?

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Could AI prevent the next Wirecard?

KPMG has equipped itself with a "deep learning" tool to better detect anomalies in company accounting and lift ...
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"Rcube AM has obtained an extension of its authorization for digital assets".

[Info Finascope| A new impetus for RCube Asset Management, a UCITS and FIA (alternative investment fund) management company. Thanks to ...
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The 10 most-read articles since the start of 2024

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Private equity faces the challenge of end-of-life funds

Confronted with the difficulties of selling their holdings and the scarcity of IPOs, some asset management companies are ...
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The noose is tightening on French debt

A further step has been taken in the excessive deficit procedure imposed on France by the European Commission ...
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Life insurance outstandings approach 2,000 billion euros

In May, new business remained in positive territory for the fifth consecutive month. For the first time since 2016, ...
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Real estate transformation: when theory collides with reality

While the crisis persists, the promising conversion of office space into housing is limited by a number of obstacles. The professionals ...
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Avis d'expert

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Mirova livre ses perspectives de marché pour le second semestre 2024

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Elargissement des actifs éligibles détenus par les SCPI

Le champ des actifs éligibles pouvant être détenu par les SCPI vient tout juste d’être considérablement élargi. Depuis une ordonnance ...

L’intelligence artificielle et la gestion de fortune, qu’en disent les régulateurs ?

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Green bonds – financer la transition par temps gris

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L’AMF et la Banque de France appellent à une transition organisée vers un cycle de réglement J+1

L'Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) et la Banque de France appellent à une transition coordonnée et efficiente vers un cycle ...
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La BCE laisse ses taux directeurs inchangés

Le Conseil des gouverneurs a décidé ce jour de laisser inchangés les trois taux d’intérêt directeurs de la BCE. Les ...
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La Commission des sanctions de l’AMF sanctionne une société de gestion et ses dirigeants

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L’AMF publie les enseignements de trois actions de supervision sur la finance durable

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Escroqueries : l’ACPR met en garde le public contre les propositions frauduleuses

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Stéphanie Faibis, directrice Gestions Actions & Convertibles chez Groupama AM

Groupama Asset Management (101,2 milliards d’euros d’actifs sous gestion au 30 juin 2024) annonce la nomination de Stéphanie Faibis, 53 ...
/ Nomination, Une

Jean-Charles Prioux, nouveau directeur général de l’ESBanque

Jean-Charles Prioux, 57 ans, a été nommé directeur général de L’École supérieure de la banque (ESBanque) par le conseil d’administration ...
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Morningstar Sustainalytics se renforce à Paris

Sustainalytics, agence de notation ESG désormais filiale de Morningstar, renforce son équipe commerciale avec le recrutement de Vincent Simon, 39 ...
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Seven2 recrute un spécialiste de l’intelligence artificielle

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Carmignac nomme un responsable relations banques et institutionnels en France

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