
Standard Chartered's Paris workforce has grown by 50 % in two years

The French branch is gradually rebalancing forces with the global headquarters in London and the continental headquarters in...

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Caroline Eber-Ittel, Managing Director of Standard Chartered in France.

Livret d'épargne industrie: several avenues under study at Bercy

Antoine Armand, French Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry, spoke at the Assises de l'Industrie conference on Wednesday morning about...

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Antoine Armand, Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry, spoke this Wednesday morning at the Assises de l'Industrie.

Eltif 2.0 evergreen fund: "We've revised our copy".

Schroders is in the process of obtaining AMF approval and listing an evergreen fund invested in infrastructure debt. If the investment...

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Yves Desjardins (Schroders France): "None of the insurers we work with questions the soundness of our product".