
Axa IM sees itself among the top 10 ETF providers by 2026

The management company relaunched its exchange-traded fund business a year ago after giving up its...

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Read more about the article Axa IM se voit dans le TOP 10 des fournisseurs d’ETF d’ici 2026
Nicolas-Louis Guille-Biel, Global Head of ETF & Product Strategy at Axa Investment Managers.

Archinvest targets €45 million for its fund of private debt funds

Founded in 2022, the management company offers an innovative product aimed at asset managers and family offices. Archinvest has...

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Read more about the article Archinvest vise 45 millions d’euros pour son fonds de fonds de dette privée
Pierre-Olivier Desplanches, CEO of Archinvest, spoke to investors at the company's headquarters on Wednesday.

Vatel Capital launches farmland investment fund

Eligible for life insurance, Terres Invest is a société civile à capital variable (non-trading company with variable capital) that helps young farmers set up...

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