
Eres Gestion launches an evergreen FCPR

Eres Multi Private Assets is a fund of funds designed to finance the growth of European SMEs and ETIs. The...

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(Alexis de Rozières (Eres Gestion))

Private equity: latest indicators point to improving market conditions

The Argos mid-market and Aether FS Unitranche France barometers showed an increase in the third quarter. Benefiting investors, this slight rebound...

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(Photo: Pedro Lastra/Unsplash)

Livret d'épargne industrie: several avenues under study at Bercy

Antoine Armand, French Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry, spoke at the Assises de l'Industrie conference on Wednesday morning about...

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Read more about the article Livret d’épargne industrie : plusieurs pistes à l’étude à Bercy
Antoine Armand, Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry, spoke this Wednesday morning at the Assises de l'Industrie.