
How central bankers' speeches move the markets

A study by the Banque de France has measured the impact of public interventions by ECB officials. It shows that...

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François Villeroy de Galhau's remarks, made on Tuesday evening before the students of Dauphine, were immediately picked up by the press agencies.

Listing Act: the AMF is considering the abolition of prospectuses on Euronext Growth

Robert Ophèle, the chairman of the supervisory authority, presented his wishes to the press on Wednesday. The Autorité des Marchés Financiers...

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Chairman of the Autorité des Normes Comptables (ANC), Robert Ophèle was Deputy Governor of the Banque de France, Chairman of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) and then Chairman of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).

Berkem closes a historic year for IPOs

The green chemistry player closed a €45.9 million deal on Wednesday. About 15 billion euros have been raised...

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Olivier Fahy, CEO of Berkem, rang the bell this morning, alongside his team. One of the last operations of the year in Paris.

Euronext seeks Euroclear to complete its strategic shift  

After the merger with Borsa Italiana, the acquisition of Euroclear would be part of the new approach of vertical integration and diversification of business lines...

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With 15.89 % of the shares, the French entity Sicovam Holding is the largest shareholder in Euroclear, which is based in Brussels.

"There is already a lot of interest in Relance bonds".

Tikehau Capital has been entrusted with the management of 300 million euros within the "Obligations Relance" fund of...

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Nathalie Bleunven (Tikehau Capital): "We are the leader of a group of partners who have the vocation to deploy this financing to SMEs in the regions.

"HanETF to list 17 funds in Paris in early December"

Yann Hericotte has just been recruited by the British issuer of exchange traded funds to manage business development in France. Created in...

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Yann Hericotte (HanETF): "We offer our products on a white label basis to asset managers who do not have the resources to have their ETFs listed and marketed themselves."