
Icade postpones the IPO of its subsidiary Icade Santé

The market conditions did not allow the closing of a transaction that was well advanced. The issuer and its parent company say...

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Read more about the article Icade reporte l’introduction en Bourse de sa filiale Icade Santé
Icade Santé specialises in serviced residences for the elderly and private clinics.

Mirova launches private equity fund and announces first investment 

Mirova Environnement Acceleration Capital completes the management company's range of non-listed investments. A first "impact" investment...

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Marc Romano is Managing Director of the impact private equity strategy at Mirova. He joined the asset management company in February.

Audacia prepares to be listed on Euronext Growth

The private equity firm founded in 2006 by Charles Beigbeder says it differentiates itself from its competitors by using a variety of strategies...

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Charles Beigbeder (Audacia): "Our second fund has just started up in the space industry, a sector in which there is a real entrepreneurial buzz in Europe".

Exclusive Networks prepares its IPO

The cybersecurity solutions specialist, which has been owned by British fund Permira since April 2018, plans to carry out a capital increase...

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