
Antin is preparing an IPO to finance its growth

The candidate for listing on Euronext Paris is a private equity firm specializing in infrastructure, a popular sector...

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Founded in 1963 and based near Paris, Idex is an integrated operator of energy infrastructure assets in which Antin has invested.

IPO: Euronext invites French asset managers to get involved

Delphine d'Amarzit, president of Euronext Paris, believes that the dynamism of the primary market is a good indicator of the vitality of the...

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Delphine d'Amarzit has been President of Euronext Paris since March 2021.

Green OATs cost the State less than ordinary securities

In the 2020 allocation report for the green OAT, Anthony Requin, the director of Agence France Trésor, whose term of office is ending,...

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Anthony Requin is stepping down from his position after having headed Agence France Trésor since 2015.

Two new trials for the e-euro at the Banque de France

The Banque de France and the Central Bank of Singapore have assessed the liquidity management for payment and...

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The Banque de France's latest experiment was conducted with the Monetary Authority of Singapore.