
Archinvest has selected three managers for its US Mid-Cap multi-fund

The digital platform and management company founded by Emilie Loyer-Buttiaux, Nicolas Macquin and Pierre-Olivier Desplanches is aiming for €50 million in...

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Emilie Loyer-Buttiaux is co-founder and Managing Director of Archinvest.

Between bashing and opportunities: what future for new-generation SCPIs?

The market remains buoyant, with new real estate investment vehicles being created to take advantage of falling valuations...

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The Elevation Tertiom SCPI is positioned exclusively in the French overseas departments and territories. (Photo by Viktor Ruppert on Unsplash)

CPR Asset Management to enter the private equity market

[Info Finascope]. The asset management company, a subsidiary of the Amundi group, is preparing the launch of an evergreen strategy invested in...

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(Photo: Paul Henri Degrande from Pixabay)

US-based StoneX acquires Octo Finances

The New York-based financial group has announced the acquisition of 100 % of the shares of the Paris-based bond broker, which had taken its...

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Talabor Szabo and Arnaud de Bourrousse, co-founders of Octo Finances. (Photos: website screenshots)

AXA IM Alts takes full control of Capza

Axa's hedge fund management arm strengthens its position in European private equity. However, the size of this strategic operation remains...

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(Photo by Rasmus Gundorff Sæderup-Unsplash)