
Banking crisis: "underestimated risks"

Jean-Edouard Colliard, associate professor of finance at HEC Paris and a specialist in the regulation of financial institutions, is convinced that banks...

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Jean-Edouard Colliard, associate professor of finance at HEC.

Adoption of a revised framework for European long-term investment funds

The Council today adopted a revised regulatory framework for European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIF), which will allow for the development of...

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Elisabeth Svantesson, Minister of Finance of Sweden, which holds the rotating presidency of the European Union until June 30.

Senate keeps a close eye on the crypto-asset sector

At a Finance Committee hearing on Wednesday, Professor Ludovic Desmedt called bitcoin a purely financial asset...

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In the wake of FTX's bankruptcy last year, the Senate was behind a tightening of registration requirements for digital asset service providers. (Credit: Senate)

The AMF puts pressure on crowdfunding players

The European authorization of provider of services of participative financing (PSFP) must be obtained before November 10, 2023, under penalty...

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(Credit: Baltis)