
Global finance meets in Paris

The fourth edition of the Choose France summit is being held this Monday at the Château de Versailles in the presence of 120 business leaders...

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Greenpeace says "sustainable" funds mislead investors

The impact of portfolios is not evident regardless of investment approach, according to the study commissioned from Inrate. The NGO is calling for the...

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The report by the rating agency InRate examined 51 Swiss and Luxembourg funds

"I hope to put together a team of at least 10 people very soon"

Régis Leleu, Interstrust's Managing Director in France, describes the activities of this little-known international group in France and reveals some of its...

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Régis Leleu joined Intertrust after 15 years with Citco in France

Intertrust opens an office in France

The provider of administration services for investment funds and companies will be headed by Régis Leleu, who has just left the...

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"Savers lack clear information"

For Zineb Bennani, director of operations and client relations at the asset management company Mirova, the SFDR regulation, which was...

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"The digital asset sector lacks support"

The issue of crypto-currency regulation is at the heart of the news. Just appointed president of ADAN, the crypto-currency lobby, the...

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Faustine Fleuret (Adan): "Certain provisions will remain obstacles to both the effectiveness of these regulations and the competitiveness of our companies.

Paris ranked as continental Europe's leading financial centre

Think tank New Financial has measured the importance of financial centres in quantitative terms ahead of Brexit. Ranked sixth...

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The New Financial Global Financial Centres Index is an attempt to inform the debate.

Mimco targets EUR 1 billion of assets by 2024

Ara Adjennian has taken over the management of Mimco Asset Management, the new Paris-based subsidiary of the Luxembourg group. A new fund...

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Ara Adjennian has just taken over the management of Mimco Asset Management.