Cryptos: Caceis Bank prepares MiCA approval file
The Crédit Agricole and Santander subsidiary had obtained its PSAN registration in June 2023 for the custody of digital assets. The world of crypto-assets continues its integration into the regulated financial sector, as also demonstrated by Euronext's new clearing service for crypto-currency ETPs. Caceis Bank has decided to ...
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Investing in European markets: a daring gamble in January 2025, a real alternative in March
By Philippe Tranchet, Director of Bond Management at Mandarine Gestion. On January 10, we said that many of the market trends of 2025 would be played out over the 1st quarter, and that 5 drivers of uncertainty and volatility would ...

ECB cuts key interest rates by 25 basis points
The Governing Council today decided to cut the ECB's three key interest rates by 25 basis points. In particular, the decision to reduce the deposit facility rate, through which the Governing ...
Life insurance outstandings exceed 2,000 billion euros
Life insurance premiums rose by 10 % in January 2025, to 17.3 billion euros, their highest level ever. Net new money reached 4.5 billion euros in January 2025, its best result ever for ...
Avis d'expert

Investir sur les marchés européens : un pari osé en janvier 2025, une vraie alternative en mars
Par Philippe Tranchet, directeur de la gestion obligataire de Mandarine Gestion. Le 10 janvier dernier, nous indiquions que beaucoup des ...

Les enseignements du contrôle SPOT de l’AMF relatif au suivi des ratios d’investissement des fonds
Chronique juridique de Valentine Baudouin, Partner Compliance & Regulatory au sein de Regvantage. L'Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) a réalisé ...

AMF vs OCABSA : la fin justifie-t-elle les moyens ?
L'AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers), qui met régulièrement en garde contre les prétendus dangers des obligations hybrides comme les OCABSA ...

L’Esma durcit l’agrément MiCA : un coup fatal pour la crypto en Europe ?
L'Autorité européenne des marchés financiers (Esma) a récemment diffusé une directive qui révolutionne l'accès au marché européen pour les prestataires ...

2025, une année spatiale
Par Christophe Pouchoy, gérant d’Echiquier Space, La Financière de l’Échiquier Le secteur spatial est en pleine effervescence. Estimé en 2023 à ...

CumCum" affair: an extended withholding tax that weakens the Paris financial centre
To combat dividend arbitrage schemes, the French Finance Act 2025 extends the scope of the withholding tax ...

Euronext calls, Euroclear silences
Stéphane Boujnah, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the European stock exchange, highlights the complementarities and synergies ...

Non-financial reporting: Europe simplifies and lightens rules for companies
Presented this Wednesday, the European Commission's proposal for an omnibus directive refocuses the obligations of the CSRD directive on ...

General mobilization for a revival of securitization
The Ministry of the Economy, the Banque de France, the ACPR and the AMF have jointly responded to the Commission's consultation ...

Tokenization and the digital euro: the ECB refines its roadmap
On Thursday, the European Central Bank and the Eurosystem announced their intention to intensify work on the currency settlement ...

Cryptos: Caceis Bank prepares MiCA approval file
The Crédit Agricole and Santander subsidiary obtained its PSAN registration in June 2023 for the custody of assets ...

Crypto regulation: AMF lags behind in race for first MiCA approvals
Four European approvals have already been issued in Malta, the same number in the Netherlands, three in Germany and one in Cyprus, but none ...

Lessons learned from the AMF's SPOT audit of fund investment ratios
Legal column by Valentine Baudouin, Partner Compliance & Regulatory at Regvantage. The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) has ...

CumCum" affair: an extended withholding tax that weakens the Paris financial centre
To combat dividend arbitrage schemes, the French Finance Act 2025 extends the scope of the withholding tax ...

Non-financial reporting: Europe simplifies and lightens rules for companies
Presented this Wednesday, the European Commission's proposal for an omnibus directive refocuses the obligations of the CSRD directive on ...

Euronext calls, Euroclear silences
Stéphane Boujnah, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the European stock exchange, highlights the complementarities and synergies ...

"It's always a positive sign when a manager takes a larger stake in his company".
MBO+, L-GAM and BNP Paribas Développement invest in ADD Associés to support its shareholder reorganization and accelerate the development of the ...

Financial resilience: GPR, the Paris financial center's shield against crises
Set up by the Banque de France in 2005, the Groupe de Place Robustesse (GPR) brings together players from ...

Bpifrance recruits a development manager for its retail funds
The public investment bank confirms its intention to expand its range of private equity funds for individual investors. The aim is to ...

CPR AM, Amundi and Nextstage join forces for a new evergreen fund
Amundi CPR France Investissement combines private equity and listed equity funds. A unique solution designed to preserve ...

Cryptos: Caceis Bank prepares MiCA approval file
The Crédit Agricole and Santander subsidiary obtained its PSAN registration in June 2023 for the custody of assets ...

Crypto regulation: AMF lags behind in race for first MiCA approvals
Four European approvals have already been issued in Malta, the same number in the Netherlands, three in Germany and one in Cyprus, but none ...

How BNP Paribas uses generative AI to personalize its investment content
The bank is starting to deploy some of the 1,000 artificial intelligence use cases it has set itself as a target. Designed at ...

Tokenization and the digital euro: the ECB refines its roadmap
On Thursday, the European Central Bank and the Eurosystem announced their intention to intensify work on the currency settlement ...

AI strategy: how to avoid false promises and create value
Accelerated decision-making, productivity gains, enhanced creativity. On paper, the benefits of artificial intelligence are ...

Debt: French banks pull out all the stops in the ranking of the most active primary dealers
A few hours before S&P placed the French government's debt under a negative outlook, Agence France Trésor published ...

Investors regain a taste for European equities
Capital flows are returning to the Old Continent, and portfolios are balancing out at the expense of the United States. The ...

What if Bpifrance were to bury FIPs and FCPIs?
The public investment bank wants to accelerate the distribution of private equity funds to individuals. This no-obligation savings solution ...

Siparex Investir en France off to a "promising start
Siparex has raised 40 million euros from retail customers in 2024, two-thirds of which on its new ...

Rating agencies keep a close eye on France
Fitch, which is due to review the country's rating on March 14, believes that fiscal consolidation remains a challenge...

La BCE réduit ses taux directeurs de 25 points de base
Le Conseil des gouverneurs a décidé, ce jour, d’abaisser les trois taux d’intérêt directeurs de la BCE de 25 points ...
L’encours de l’assurance vie dépasse les 2 000 milliards d’euros
Les cotisations en assurance vie sont en hausse de 10 % sur le mois de janvier 2025, à 17,3 milliards ...

Publication du rapport sur les chiffres clés 2023 de la gestion d’actifs
Dans le cadre du suivi du secteur de la gestion d’actifs, l’AMF dispose des fiches de renseignements annuelles et rapports ...

L’AMF publie les enseignements de ses contrôles thématiques sur le suivi des ratios des fonds des sociétés de gestion
Cette nouvelle synthèse « SPOT » porte sur les ratios définissant les règles d’investissement et de composition des actifs, telles ...
PER : plus de 11 millions de titulaires et près de 119 milliards d’encours au troisième trimestre 2024
Dans le cadre du développement de l’épargne retraite en France, le Plan d’épargne retraite (PER), créé par la loi PACTE, ...

Standard Chartered strengthens its position in Paris
Standard Chartered Bank AG, the British group's continental European subsidiary, announces two appointments in Paris. Jean-Baptiste Chambaud ...

Aurélie Tristant joins Banque Richelieu France as Private Banking Manager
Aurélie Tristant has been recruited by Banque Richelieu France (8 billion euros in assets under management) as Private Client Director ...

Mathieu Jacolin, Director of Market Activities at Amafi
Amafi (Association française des marchés financiers) announces the arrival of Mathieu Jacolin as Director of Market Activities. He will ...

Valérie Lyard Benudis appointed RockFi growth director
RockFi, a fintech founded in 2023 and specializing in private banking, announces the arrival of Valérie Lyard Benudis as ...

Alain Bénichou joins the Supervisory Board of Shares Financial Assets
Shares, the first French fintech to receive simultaneous PSI (investment services provider) and PSAN (financial services provider) accreditation in 2023, ...